a disaster recovery plan does your company have one is it up to date

According to the Department of Homeland Security, “forty percent of businesses affected by a natural or human-caused disaster never reopen” 

Does your company have an up-to-date Disaster Recovery Plan and do your employees know what to do in the event of an attack or natural disaster? Do you lay awake some nights wondering if your plan will work and whether or not you would be able to recover all the vital information you need to run you business?

At AE Technology Group we define a Disaster Recovery Plan “as the process, policies and procedures … for recovery or continuation of technology infrastructure which are vital to an organization after a natural or human-induced disaster.”

Would your business survive? What would you do if your computer systems were offline for even a day or two? Here are a few minimum steps you will want to take so you and your employees are ready for a disaster:

  • Run hourly, daily and weekly automatic onsite and offsite data backups. There are many cloud based backup options and available and we will gladly recommend the best one for your company
  • Train employees on what to do and where to go in the event of a disaster
  • Have an equipment replacement plan and a backup location in place so you can recover quickly
  • Create a customer notification plan
  • Test your plan! Run different scenarios against the plan to make sure things will work as you expect.

We are AE Technology Group and we invite you to contact us.  We are not experts at the business continuity portion of your plan but we can certainly help you plan for what to do with your IT infrastructure.

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