
Zarafa Hosted EMail Solution: All the Benefits of MS Exchange at Half the Cost

zarafa hosted email solution all the benefits of ms exchange at half the cost

Cloud computing has changed the way businesses set up and run their IT services and e-mail solutions are no exception. Running a traditional MS Exchange server in-house means an investment in hardware and software which can approach $10,000, plus the annual cost of an in-house engineer to maintain, update, patch and back up the servers. […]

A hosted email solution with five star reliability and collaboration for less money

a hosted email solution with five star reliability and collaboration for less money

If we polled business owners as to what they thought the three most critical factors determining their success was there’s a good chance that the top three would be: reliability, collaboration, and low cost. Achieving those three critical elements in a hosted email solution for your business should be considered a tremendous win for your […]

Why Microsoft Exchange No Longer Has a Lock on Business Email

why microsoft exchange no longer has a lock on business email

One interesting thing about Microsoft’s recent communications regarding its public beta of Office 2013 is that the emphasis has been entirely on the client-side and cloud-based aspects. To learn anything more about the new Microsoft Exchange server requires more digging. This is a sign of how Microsoft is shifting focus, and though it is keeping […]

A Customer Relationship Management Software Developer Can Craft the Perfect Solution

a customer relationship management software developer can craft the perfect solution

Customer relationship management (CRM) is one of many key business domains that is being enhanced by software. Like accounting, supply chain, and enterprise resource planning, the tools required for streamlining connections with future and existing customers are essential for any business. Not only that, but an effective CRM solution must have the ability to plug […]

Zarafa: The Premier Open Source Email & Collaboration Software

zarafa the premier open source email amp collaboration software 2

Email and collaboration are cornerstones of today’s business. Zarafa gives you the most reliable email and collaboration software on the market with more speed and greater stability than that of big name software!Zarafa has some pivotal advantages that make it the superior choice over its competitors: No learning curve With a similar appearance and feel […]

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