Cloud Services
in New York

A friendlier, dedicated support staff, better security compliance offerings, and competitive pricing.

New York based Cloud Services

Plans range from basic support of your business IT to a deeper approach that includes unlimited support for any and every technology product with an extension into:

IT Support & Management

IT Consulting

Computer Support

Project Deployment

Hardware as a Service

Software as a Service

Cloud services

Our cloud computing team can quickly and securely deliver virtual desktops and applications that will enable your business to work smarter.

Whether employees are using the latest tablets, smartphones, or laptops, AE Technology Group can transform your desktop into an on-demand service that can be accessed by any user, on any device, anywhere, with simplicity and scale-ability.

cheerful woman in headset smiles warmly, embodying modern communication in a comfortable workspace.
focused woman coding at a modern desk with dual laptops in a tech-inspired workspace.

What's with all the SaaS?

Software as a Service, or SaaS, is a software delivery method that provides access to software and its functions remotely as a web-based service. SaaS is cloud computing that is easy to deploy, more intuitive, lowers your IT costs, and provides greater data security than most client-installed applications.

SaaS replaces the old fashioned installation, set-up and often daily upkeep and maintenance allowing you to focus on what really matters — your business.

Why use cloud services?

  • No infrastructure
  • On-demand from any location
  • Intuitive and easier to implement
  • No software to download
  • Secure, reliable backup
  • Increased productivity
  • Easy collaboration
focused tech expert troubleshooting a motherboard in a sleek modern office workspace.
confident man presents insights in a modern office meeting with engaged colleagues.

Intuitive solutions

We provide online common data solutions and business applications that are accessed from a web browser.

Users do not need to have knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the cloud server or cloud hosting technology.

Software and data are stored off-site, hosted on our servers.

"Ken Was Super Helpful and met my deadline. He understood the problem and Took care of it!! Thanks Ken!!!!!"

Ready for an IT boost?

Let's start a conversation​ today

Call, email, or send us a message to be connected with a technical advisor.

Call (877) 771-2384 ext. 2 to speak with a representative

Send us an email at [email protected]

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AE Technology Group logo showcasing innovation with a modern design and the slogan WORK SMARTER.

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