If you’ve been on the fence about whether or not to outsource IT needs for your small to medium business, you’re not alone. A simple web search yields tons of blogs, opinions, questions and answers about the topic. While you ultimately have to decide what fits the needs of your company, here are a few considerations to get you started:

Range of Technology

A growing business often needs an IT staff with a broad range of skills. Outsourcing means your company has an entire team, and a larger pool of resources available when you need those skills…

Which reminds us, as a small to medium business your budget may not allow for multiple IT employees in-house. Having an entire IT management team on your side can be less than the cost of one full-time employee’s salary.

Disaster recovery: Downtime wreaks havoc on your business and your bottom line. Make sure that you have access to critical information when you need it, with backup and recovery services.


Outsourcing results in faster, better, and more consistent results. When you hire a specialized team to manage your IT needs, efficiency increases because IT solutions are all they focus on. You no longer have to worry about shuffling employees from other departments to fill in holes on your technology team.

Birds-eye view: Advice is objective when it comes from an external source. It can be tough for an internal team to find the best technology solution for your SMB, because sometimes those team members push for the solution that makes the most sense for themselves and not the company as a whole.

Are you ready to learn more about how to accomplish your IT projects? AE Technology Group is ready to talk about solution.

Contact Us and we’ll start planning your resolution today!


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