Computer Tip of the Day – Don’t Forget Those Control Keys!
We all like to be as efficient as we can be. Whether you are in Word or composing an e-mail, if you prefer the keypad to the mouse, using control- keys can save you a lot of time! Our computer tip of the day will help. Computer Tip of the Day You’ve probably seen at […]
Dealing With Ransomware: Our Computer Tip of the Day
Any basic computer user knows about the dangers that lurk on the Internet. From email scams, to generic computer viruses, and suspicious links, making smart decisions while surfing the web is important. As important as this is, however, one of the more common dangers lurking in cyberspace, is ransomware. A malicious tool that locks your […]
How to Prepare For a Disaster: Three Key Tips You Should Try
Learn how to prepare for a disaster. All businesses are vulnerable to costly IT disasters. For example, CSO Online reports that by 2021, cyber crime will result in $6 trillion losses every year. And cyber crimes aren’t the only kind if IT disaster businesses suffer through. Equipment failures, flooding and fires, and employee errors (such […]
Cybersecurity for Business: Here’s How to Secure Your Technology Now!
No matter what size business you run, adequate cybersecurity for business is likely at the top of your to do list this year. Cyber-criminals are targeting both small businesses and large businesses alike. Cybersecurity for business In addition, most people don’t realize that what’s attracting cyber-criminals to their targets is, Simple and unprotected entry points, […]
Purchasing a New Device: What to Consider
Thinking of purchasing a new device? In the workplace, computers are one of the most important tools that anyone could use. They help you to access your important documents, respond to customer questions, and even collaborate with others via Skype. Not to mention some prefer to bring in their own laptops to the workplace. These […]