Implementing a File Naming Policy with Outsourced IT Support

implementing a file naming policy with outsourced it support

Data growth, structure and the management of it has been the topic of numerous studies, seminars and training. One of the things that gets missed is the simple naming of files and folders. Why does it matter?  Imagine looking for certain data or files created by employees months or years ago. It is always difficult to find.

You may have employees look through their own files and some will check back in their email. Other times someone will simply go through the long and painful process of searching for the information in folders on some shared storage device, Sharepoint, or in backups.

If your company had a standardized method of naming files and folders this process could be so much easier. Take into account that Microsoft Word automatically names files and many employees will just accept these names. Often this is just the first sentence or cell of the file.

Excel by default names it “book1”. Google docs calls it “untitled”. Rarely is this helpful months or years later when someone is looking for a file. Imagine if there was a policy in place to properly name files when they are first saved. What would that look like?

Setting up a method for the naming of files and folders is not difficult.  There are a few things that should be considered first.

  1. No spaces. While Microsoft and Apple operating systems can deal with spaces and special characters in file names it is best to avoid them. Often a file is shared online, or in a way that ends up being viewed in a browser. Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Sharepoint, and others all allow you to view file names this way. Spaces might look like an underline, they may look like a space, or an underline might look like a space. If you are looking for a file in backups spaces are not helpful.  It is best just to avoid spaces.
  2. No special characters. Avoid special characters for that same reason, and more. Stick to letters and numbers. Anyone that has written code of just about any kind has had to deal with escape characters for data that may include special characters. Months from now, long after whatever document has been created, someone is going to go searching for it. Whatever tool they are using will treat special characters differently than normal characters and numbers. If the file names ever get input into a database special characters may just be removed. If the file needs to be pulled from backups, special characters just complicate the search. Just avoid using special characters in file and folder names.
  3. Everyone must use it. Try not to have one naming method for accounting and one for production and one for marketing. The naming method should be specific enough to have meaning but broad enough to be used throughout an organization. Having a standard for file naming really only works if everyone uses it. This includes getting management of all levels to agree it is a good idea. While this is more of a political question than a technical one, getting outside help is an option. Having IT professionals involved will make it easier to explain the time and effort that can be saved in the future.

No one method will work for every business. Bringing in an outside consulting company to help with the process is a good idea. Remembering that this process is really being done for the future, months and years from now you will be glad you took it seriously and spent the time, money and effort to do it right.

Some companies use a system that includes the first four characters of a client’s name. Some companies will use a month and year in the file names and the initials of the original creator. For instance, an accounting company may have a balance sheet for a client named Acme that is created in November of 2015 named acme11082015bal. The key to the whole thing is that the name for both the file and the folder it is put in will be understandable months or years later, to someone that has never seen the file before.

Typing Tricks for Your Keyboard

typing tricks for your keyboard

typing tricks

In this technological age, all types of work are having to be typed as opposed to hand written. While this contribute to taking up less desk space, more information needs to be put into the computer. You may already know how to type, but these quick typing tricks will ensure that you are efficient in completing you work.

The concept of touch typing follows the idea that every finger has its own area on the keyboard. People with the highest typing speeds don’t even have to look at the keyboard because with practice, they are able to memorize the keyboard through muscle memory.

You too can learn the location of the keys through muscle memory with a little practice.


It’s very easy to sit at a desk for a couple of hours and gradually acquire a slump. Posture contributes to effective touch typing as much as your fingers do. Keeping your face too close to the screen and crouching around the keyboard can put strain on your body that is contributing to less-than-perfect posture. Keep your back straight and head slightly forward (at least 45-75 cm away from the screen). Making sure that your elbows, arm, and wrists aren’t strained by resting them on the tabletop from time to time will improve your posture as well.

Position: HOME ROW

Curve your fingers and put your right hand on the ASDF keys, while the left will fall on the JKL; keys in the middle row of the keyboard. This position is known as “Home row” because you will start from these keys and end there as well. Notice how the F and J keys have a raised line on them for you to feel for, instead of actually having to look for them; they are on the same line as “Home row”.

Keyboard Scheme

Remember that you will always begin on the keys of “Home row” and you should always return there. Envisioning the keyboard of letters, numbers, and symbols will help to guide your fingers to where they are. After a little practice, you will see that you won’t have to look for every key that you type. Establishing and maintaining a rhythm while typing will keep the flow going, allowing you type at long intervals without stopping. This is much more effecting than typing a couple words – looking at your reference – typing some more, and repeating this process. The SHIFT key is always pressed by the pinky finger opposite to the one hitting the other key. While this may be hard to configure at first, catching yourself in the act and actively practicing this will have it becoming a habit in no time. The space bar is the key that will most likely hit the most. Using your thumb of the hand this is most convenient to you is optimal, since the slant of your hands will have the thumb nearest anyway.

Finger Motion

This may sound odd at first, but don’t look at the keys when you type. Sliding your fingers around until they find the “home row” markings will help you to find your position. Keep from moving your arms everywhere. Limit movement to what you need to press and keep your fingers close. This not only improves typing speeds but takes stress off the hands and wrists.

Typing Speed

This is probably the number one thing people look to improve in terms of computer work. So much so, that certain jobs require that you take a test or include your wpm (words per minute) on your resume. When you are just starting out, don’t rush because you want to type faster. With practice, your fingers will begin to learn the keys and you will speed up out of habit. If you continue to forcefully speed up your typing, mistakes will be made causing you to go back and fix them; this will only make you slower in the long run. Reading ahead allows you to continue typing without having to stop for every word or two.

Learning how to touch type will improve all aspects of your typing, from accurately hitting the keyboard to increasing your typing speed. While it will take practice and determination, in turn you will become more efficient in any and all typing work that you do.

For more information on typing speed and other related topics, contact us today.

Protect Your Computer Protect Your Credit Card

protect your computer protect your credit card

how to protect your computer

There are many ways to protect your computer when you are online (which is almost constantly these days), some are more simple than others. One important way to protect yourself is by securing your financial data online. Securing your financial information is not difficult once you get in the habit of doing so. Here is one tip for a service offered by many major credit card issuers:

Choose a credit card which provides one time only card numbers.

One time credit card numbers work this way. Let’s say that you see something that you really like online, you want to buy it, but there’s just something you don’t quite trust about the vendor. This may be a response to recent security stories, previous bad experiences, using a new vendor for the first time, anything at all. First and most importantly, trust your instincts.

With a one time only credit card number, your bank issues you a new temporary card number for which you set the spending limit and expiration date. You can do this in another browser tab at the card issuer’s site once you have made a purchasing decision, or even use another installed browser for additional security; there’s no need to make a call to the card issuer’s toll free number and wait for a temporary card number. Now you have a credit card number to complete your purchase which is different from your normal card number, has a precise spending limit (round off to the closest dollar amount allowed over the amount of what you are buying), and an expiration date some time in the next 30 or 60 days.

If your instincts are correct and the vendor turns out to be untrustworthy, you have limited exposure. You may make the argument that you would have limited exposure in any case with a credit card purchase, and while that may be technically true, there is a lot less clean up and hassle using a one time credit card number. Worst case, you won’t have to do anything at all. The one time credit card number expires and is limited in its spending limit in the first place, leaving an unscrupulous vendor with useless credit card information.

For more ideas about protecting yourself online feel free to contact us.

How To Solve The Biggest Problems With IT Managed Services For Small Businesses

how to solve the biggest problems with it managed services for small businesses 2
IT support for small businesses

Sometimes it feels really good to complain, and there is just a bit to complain about when it comes to IT services for small businesses. But all the complaining in the world won’t fix things; that’s why we’ve identified the most frustrating parts of this aspect of business and have some ideas on how you can deal with IT Managed Services for small businesses.

Know Your Consultant’s Communication Method

If tempers flare over small issues or if your IT person is using complicated rhetoric, you need new IT support. Look for computer support consultants that easily, clearly and patiently communicate with your employees.

Make sure your tech support requests are being handled efficiently. It’s best to know the specific process your IT support uses regarding help requests. Ask how your managed services log and respond to such situations and the best way to reach them.

Ask if evaluations are offered by your managed services. It’s good to know this up front. Ideally, they would assess the situation, recommend new products, and install them.

Know What Sort of Network Security is Provided

Don’t wait until you get hacked to ask about firewalls, spam filters, anti-virus and anti-spyware solutions. In the event something awful does happen, have a reliable back-up and data disaster recovery plan.

Note your network support’s hours of operation. Of course, it’s better to have IT support available 24/7 with emergency rescue services. Really, is there such a thing? Yes, there is hope!

Know What Your IT Consultant Specializes In

Some IT professionals are more general practitioners, while others are specialists. It’s similar to the medical field.

Ask about any deals that are offered. You don’t want any surprise fees or limited support. An established monthly rate for all IT services is quintessential.

These points to consider are to ensure you hire (or have hired) the right managed services for your small business. If you have concerns about what was discussed or questions about other IT related matters, contact us.

Keyboard Shortcuts: New Folder, New Files, New Window

keyboard shortcuts new folder new files new window

When you find yourself doing a certain repetitive task on your computer, look for a keyboard shortcut to increase your productivity.  Whether you’re running Windows or Mac iOS, there are keyboard shortcuts to perform a variety of tasks including creating new files, creating a new folder, and opening a new window in an existing program.  Here’s how:

New File

When you are already using a desktop program to write a document, create a presentation, or compute sales figures, you can quickly open a new blank version by using the key strokes below.  This document shows up in exactly the same way as using your mouse to navigate the file menu but in much less time.

Windows: Control (Ctrl) + N

Mac: Command ⌘ + N

New Folder

To use this shortcut, make sure to have your file manager open in the directory you want to add the new folder into.  Using the key strokes below will add a folder temporarily named “New Folder” which you can easily rename to suit your needs.

Windows: Control (Ctrl) + Shift + N

Mac: Command ⌘ + Shift + N

New Window

When in an internet browser or file manager system, the key strokes below will open a new window for you.  In your internet browser the new window will go to your homepage, but the file manager will open the same view you currently have.  A new file manager window can be especially useful when moving a lot of files around.

Windows: Control (Ctrl) + N

Mac: Command ⌘ + N

Advanced Tip!

Speaking of moving files, you may find you want to open the parent folder of the current folder in a new window.  For Windows, this is a two-step process, but Mac does it in one.  Here are the key strokes:


Step 1: Control (Ctrl) + N

Step 2: Alt + Up-arrow

Mac: Command ⌘ + Control ⌃ + Up-Arrow

You can modify many of the key combinations above to perform other useful functions.  With the right tools and people who know how to use them, it’s even possible to create your own shortcuts.  If you’re looking for more ways to increase business productivity through efficient use of technology, please contact us today. Check out our blog for more computer tips and tricks.