IT Support For Your Business: Four Critical Components of IT Support

it support for your business four critical components of it support

Strong IT support is essential for business growth and success. But how do you know if your business is receiving high-quality IT services? Learn about IT support for your business.

Companies sometimes wind up spending more money in a particular area, such as cyber security, only to find out they haven’t made the right decisions and received comprehensive services.

The following are some of the critical components of IT support for your business:

  1. A proactive stance. Proactive IT support personnel don’t merely react to problems; they anticipate and do everything possible to prevent them. They rely on strategies such as round-the-clock network monitoring and timely maintenance and updates for hardware and software. They also help you with strategic planning, making IT decisions that lay the groundwork for future developments in your business.
  2. Multi-faceted, layered cyber security defenses. These include training employees in safer computing habits, installing firewalls and anti-malware software on company devices, implementing strong and accurate anti-spam programs, managing complex user log-in credentials, and remaining vigilant for suspicious network activities.
  3. Simplified support. Whether you’re having a problem with a piece of equipment or a software program, you know exactly who to call. You don’t need to start talking to multiple technicians or support specialists from a variety of companies. Just contact your IT support team, and they’ll handle the situation in a timely, reliable way.
  4. Dependable data backups. Your data is valuable, and your business development depends on avoiding permanent data loss, particularly for sensitive or critical information. IT support professionals can help you come up with reliable ways to regularly back up your data. The backups should be comprehensive and easily retrievable in the event of an IT disaster.

If you wish to find out more about the critical components of high-quality IT support for your business, please contact us. We’re dedicated to protecting your company, safeguarding your data, and ensuring productive and efficient business operations.

Get the IT Technical Support You Need

get the it technical support you need

IT Technical Support You Need

In today’s world of changing technology, many businesses have a lot of IT needs. Technology is constantly evolving and improving and while this is usually good, it can make things more confusing for users to adapt. And, if your technology isn’t working well, your business is not running smoothly. That is why IT technical support is essential to your business.

Even if your business has an in-house IT specialist, sometimes the needs are too great and you need some back-up support. Whether you are looking for managed IT services or emergency IT help, AE Technology Group offers our services to Long Island businesses.

What are some ways that AE Technology Group can help?

To start, AE Technology Group has technicians on-call 24/7/365 to help diagnose and fix your technology problems. We offer technical and help desk support, software training, network design, and hardware design, configuration, and installation. So whatever the needs are in your business, we can help.

Don’t let IT problems stress you out into the New Year. Hire help from AE Technology Group and we can not only solve your IT problems but hopefully prevent many of them through maintenance. IT troubles don’t wait for a convenient time to happen.

We know it can happen when you least expect it and when you need your technology to be working correctly the most. That is why we offer technical support, day and night. Don’t let IT problems slow down the productivity of your company.

For more information on how AE Technology Group can help your business stay on top of things with technical support, contact us today.

Proactive Support: What Is It And Why Does Your Business Need It?

proactive support what is it and why does your business need it

A recent survey conducted by McKinsey & Company reveals that consumers make 70% of their purchase decisions based on how they feel about the customer service they receive. Good customer service makes a direct contribution to a company’s bottom line. Now there’s a new approach to providing great customer service that you might not have heard of before. It’s called “proactive support.” Here’s what it’s all about.

proactive support

What is proactive support?

Historically, most customer support efforts have been reactive. That is, a support team takes action to assist a customer when that customer brings a problem to the company’s attention. With proactive customer support, a company’s customer support team aims to identify and address issues before they become problems.

For example, one approach to proactive support is to provide up-front information that helps customers avoid issues in the first place. It might be a FAQ section on the company’s web page, or an instructional video uploaded to YouTube.

Another approach is for the company to initiate contact with a customer concerning their order or experience. According to a 2013 customer service survey conducted by inContact, 87% of customers say they would welcome such contacts. When done appropriately, such company-initiated contacts can go a long way toward winning long-term loyalty. If a customer perceives the interaction as being positive, they’ll give the company points for caring enough to anticipate their needs without being asked. What’s more, they’ll talk about that novel experience with their friends, opening the door to possibly reaching new potential customers.

What does it take to provide proactive customer support? First of all, make it easy for customers to search out the information they need on your web site. Most internet-savvy consumers prefer it if they can quickly address their issue on their own, rather than waiting on hold to get through to a customer service representative (CSR).

But if a CSR is required, it should be as easy and straightforward as possible to make contact with a human being who will be proactive in resolving the issue. The front-line service representative, once apprised of the customer’s need, should take responsibility for seeing that the issue is fully addressed, rather than getting the caller trapped in an endless maze of telephone redirects from department to department.

Finally, when a potential issue with one of your products becomes evident within the company, don’t wait for customers to discover the problem on their own! Reach out proactively, with a plan to address the issue before customers feel they’ve been harmed. And make sure they have a means of following up with you if they still have concerns.

Proactive Support has great potential for increasing customer loyalty, and therefore your sales. If you’d like to know more about how this new way of meeting customer needs can help your business, please contact us.

3 Keyboarding Shortcuts You Need to Increase Your Productivity

3 keyboarding shortcuts you need to increase your productivity

You may have seen our previous blog post on keyboarding shortcuts and thought, “This is for rookies!” But remember you were once a rookie too! Sure, you might have mastered Microsoft Word by the third grade, but not everyone is in the same boat as you. But for those who have the basic keyboarding shortcuts down, here are 3 lesser-known keyboarding shortcuts to increase your productivity for our computer tip of the day.

keyboarding shortcuts

3 lesser-known keyboarding shortcuts

  1. Ctrl + Home and Ctrl + End: These shortcuts will save you a ton of time scrolling up and down through a long document. The first shortcut will take you to the top of a document and the latter will take you to the end. For Mac users, do Command + Up Arrow and Command + Down Arrow. Mind blown.
  2. Ctrl + Backspace and more: The Ctrl + Backspace shortcut will greatly increase your productivity because it deletes one word at a time instead of one character at a time. Similarly, Ctrl + Right Arrow or Left Arrow moves the cursor one word at a time instead of one character at a time. Fly through editing your documents with these tricks. Note: These shortcuts do not work on Apple computers.
  3. Alt + Tab: When you are working on a big project, you probably have a number of applications open like your web browser, Microsoft Office, and other applications applicable to your work. To switch between applications without having to switch over to your mouse, simply use the Alt + Tab shortcut to flip through open applications. For Mac users, try Command + Tab.

We hope you enjoy these keyboarding shortcuts and that you can work them into your daily life to save yourself some time. For more information on computer help, contact us at AE Technology Group.


Increase Productivity With These 3 Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

increase productivity with these 3 basic keyboard shortcuts

When you do a lot of typing for your job, keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time. Unfortunately, if no one taught you or you don’t remember them from keyboarding class in high school, you aren’t likely to stumble upon them on your own. That is why for our computer tip of the day, we wanted to provide you with 3 basic keyboard shortcuts to increase productivity.

increase productivity

Increase Productivity With These 3 Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Copy: Don’t waste your time dragging your cursor up to edit/copy. Simply use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C. A little known fact is that Ctrl + Insert will also copy text. For Mac users, use the Command key instead of Ctrl.
  2. Paste: Once you have copied your text, you will probably want to paste it somewhere. To paste the text you just copied, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V. The copy tool is easy to remember because “copy” starts with “c”. So users of the paste tool might like to think of the “v” like the word “velcro”, as in you are using velcro to paste the copied words into the new location.
  3. Cut: Copying will just make a duplicate of a highlighted text, like if you are taking information from a webpage and putting it into a document. But Ctrl + X or “cut” removes the text entirely so you can paste it in another area if you want. This would not be an option on a webpage, but rather if you are working in a Word document and want to move text from one area to another.

While we admit these are very basic keyboard shortcuts, we hope that a few readers have had their eyes opened to the wonders of keyboarding shortcuts. Stay tuned for a few more advanced shortcuts. For more information on computer help, contact us at AE Technology Group today.