Computer Tip of The Day: Quick Ways to Improve Computer Performance

computer tip of the day rescuing your computer from ransomware

With how much time we spend each day working on the computer it is important that our computers operate at peak performance, as a computer that is not operating efficiently can really slow you down and reduce productivity. If you feel as though your inefficient computer has been holding you back as of late, not all hope is lost. Here are a few quick steps you can take to boost your computer’s performance.

Try a Different Browser

If your computer is not running as efficiently as you would like it to, particularly when using the internet, you should try using a different browser. The fact is that not only are certain browsers faster than others, but compatibility issues between certain browsers and software on your computer can cause a slowdown. You may then want to consider playing around with different browsers to see which one works best on your computer. Generally, Google Chrome and FireFox are considered to be the fastest browsers.

Let Your Computer Cool Down

While sometimes your computer will slow down over time, you may also notice that your computer suddenly begins running really slowly. This can be a sign that your computer is overheating. Feel along your computer’s exterior to see if it is hotter than normal. Make sure that your computer has enough space around it for adequate airflow, and that it is not boxed in by any clutter. If your computer feels hot. Shutting it down for a few minutes and letting it cool off can help your computer run more efficiently.

Remove Junk From Your Computer

Another great way to improve computer performance is to remove junk. Removing junk files and programs can help to free up space on your hard drive which can help it to run more efficiently. If your computer is running slow, this can also be a sign of viruses and malware on your computer. You should then take a few minutes to run an anti-virus and anti-malware program to seek out and remove any potential threats.

Taking these steps can quickly improve your computer’s efficiency and your overall productivity. Contact us for more computer tips and advice.

Computer Tip of the Day: Managing Your Emails

computer tip of the day managing your emails

computer tip of the day

In the business world, one of the keys to success is knowing how to be organized. Whether you’re managing important files on your desktop, or are browsing through your web applications, always keep things organized. However, the same applies to your emails as well.

Sometimes, you receive important messages from your coworkers, while other times you’re bombarded with junk mail. What are some tips for managing your emails? Here are a few things to keep in mind for today’s computer tip.

One way to better manage your emails, is by setting up a spam filter. It catches all of your junk mail, which helps to separate the important emails, from the ones that are useless. However, you should also make sure to add any important email addresses to your “safe senders” list. While the filter is useful, it’s also known for catching important messages or ones that aren’t in your contact list. Adding your contacts to the “safe senders” list, prevents these emails from being regarded as junk.

Also, it’s important you clean out your inbox on a regular basis, discarding messages that aren’t needed. The longer you wait, the more your messages pile up, and it eventually becomes a jumble of businesses emails and unimportant junk. If nothing else, try cleaning out your inbox on a weekly basis. This helps to prevent things from getting too overwhelming.

For more information about the importance of managing your emails, contact us today at AE Technology Group. We look forward to hearing from you.

Computer Tip of the Day: Social Media in the Workplace

computer tip of the day social media in the workplace

computer tip of the day

Considering how much businesses have changed over the years, there’s no doubt social networks have become a very important factor. Not only is it great for keeping in touch with your customers, but these sites have also made it easier to market and sell products.

With that said, though, it’s important for businesses to use social networks wisely. After all, there are plenty of factors which could limit a business from reaching their full potential. For today’s computer tip, here’s how to make the best of social media in the workplace.

As great of a tool as social networks are for your business, it’s easy to become distracted by them. For example, let’s say your main goal is to market your products on Facebook. However, you become sidetracked, and start chatting with your friends instead. A way to avoid this issue, is by creating two separate social media profiles. One Facebook page is for your personal life, and it’s used to connect with your friends and family. The other social media page, however, is strictly used for business purposes.

When using social media for your business, it’s also essential that you get to know your audience. Not just depending on the platform you’re using, either, which usually caters to a different audience. You should get to know them on a personal level. What are their likes and dislikes? To find out more about them, study your target audience and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Taking a survey would be a great way to get started.

For more information, contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Computer Tip of the Day: Backing Up Your Data

computer tip of the day backing up your data

Backing Up Your Data

In the workplace, backing up your data and keeping your sensitive data secure is important. Even if you’re under the impression that there’s only a slim chance of losing your files, never take a risk.

Whether it’s a natural disaster, or someone in the workplace looking to steal your info, there are numerous scenarios where your data can be lost or compromised. With that said, one of the best ways to secure your information, is by backing up your files. Speaking of which, here are some important backup tips you should consider.

Have Multiple Backup Methods

Whether you’re using a flash drive or cloud backup services, make sure you have several contingency plans. While there’s no doubt that cloud is one of the best services around, having a USB flash drive is beneficial as well.

Not only is it portable, but all you have to do is plug the device into any computer, and upload all your files from there. Having multiple backup plans is also beneficial in case you’re temporarily unable to access one option.

Know Which Files Are Important

Before backing up your data, also be sure to know which files are important, and which aren’t. For the former, especially, there’s nothing worse than discarding sensitive data that you thought no longer had any value. Not only should you double-check, but also create a folder on your desktop for your important files. That way, when it’s time to back up your data, you already know what needs to be secured.

For more information, contact us today at AE Technology Group. We look forward to hearing from you.

Computer Tip of the Day: NAS vs. Cloud Storage

computer tip of the day nas vs cloud storage

Modern business is all about storing and sharing data. The cloud is a great solution to keep your business’ data safe and available to employees from anywhere. Some businesses use services offered by 3rd parties like Dropbox or Google Drive while other companies use a NAS or network attached storage.

Let’s review the pros and cons of a NAS and cloud services so you can make the right choice for your business needs.


With a NAS you have complete control and ownership of your data. No corporate giant has anything to do with your data or risking your privacy. A NAS solution is infinitely scalable. This means you can add additional storage at your own terms. With a NAS you have complete control of your data and how it is stored, backed up, retrieved and deleted. This can be daunting as it does get technical and one wrong move can put your data at risk. So it may be best to hire an IT professional.

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is hosted offsite. Meaning that no matter what happens to your physical location, your data is untouched. Cloud storage for business can get pricey. Subscription services are available but to increase your storage capacity usually requires paying more money.

Cloud storage is easy. Nearly anyone can create an account and manage permissions and accounts for employees. Your data is relatively safe in the cloud as hosting companies do a great job of backing up data and using redundant storage. Although it rarely happens, cloud storage services are a high value target for hackers and your information could be at risk.

Ready to migrate your data to the cloud? Or just want to upgrade your existing solutions? Contact us to see how we can help.